ACE ATTORNEY! I'm trying to make this page look like one of the magazine covers/pages :) I'll write some news about ace attorney here i'm guessing mostly EoJ news. I'll share thoughts, things i noticed and show my love for ace attorney.

     What got me into ace attorney is a fan series called
    "Turnabout Storm" an AA x mlp crossover! 
     I HIGHLY recommend Tunabout storm even
     if you arent an AA/MLP fan IT'S AMAZING. 

Ace attorney is my favourite visual novel/ game series EVER. I'm hyperfixated on it and i love it!! I love the main trilogy, the AAI games and TGAA games THEY ARE AMAZING (TGAA IS SO GOOD I'M SHOCKED IT EXISTS!!!)! AAAJ is ok too and i liked some cases in DD A LOT but to like something the visuals have to be good and i.. dislike the 3d graphics there like Athena looks amazing and the other characters too but Phoenix, Apollo Trucy and Klavier look ... um 3d alright. The designs are slacking too they don't stand out and aren't memorable. And SoJ! Yea it exists sadly I REALLY DISLIKE IT I HATE THE VISUALS AND THE CHARACTERS! I haven't finished the game just because it's sooo boring for me but i will...(I'm sorry for the rant LOL)

I'm working on my website it's still a WIP ^_^

Ace attorney is so cool :3 (I'll write about it later)

AA Fanlistings:

Some of my faves
EVERYBODY IN AA they are sooo likable!)

Text wow does it expand?